Pain Control

Control - it's in your hands

Pain control or management is a technique used for easing the suffering of people and improving the quality of life of those living with constant pain.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool, which can help you improve your health and reduce pain levels by:

- Practicing deep relaxation to reduce stress and anxiety
- Visualization and focusing on positive images that counteract your specific illness or conditions
- Visualization and focus on positive images that augment general and total healing
- Programming your subconscious to maintain good health
- Transforming your pain into a visible form and numbing the part of your body that is painful.

Many people think of pain as only a physical problem; that is not always the case. Pain can be connected to not only physical aspects but can also have emotional and psychological causes. These areas must all be addressed if one is going to feel relief. Understanding and managing the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that accompany the discomfort can help a person cope more effectively with pain — and can actually reduce its intensity. Pain control is one of the remedies we offer at De Salvo Therapy.

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If this is an emergency, call 911!

All of the information shared with a therapist is confidential and protected by Law.
Long term benefits.

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Other Help

  • * Suicide & Crisis Hotlines:   855-278-4204
  • * Parent Outreach:   800-901-4565
  • * Child Protective Services:  408-299-2071
  • * 24-7 Teen Help Line: 888-247-7717
  • * Support Network 4 Battered Women:  800-572-2782